Respect is the way of the Japanese culture. Therefore, key components of this language is learning how to speak the correct words to different people. This includes your teachers, parents, grandparents or friends.
Good Morning
English Pronunciation : (O.ha.yō.go.zai.masu)
Before walking into a classroom, students MUST greet their teachers with this phrase.
Good Morning Teacher
おはようございます せんせい。
English Pronunciation: (O.ha.yō.go.zai.masu.sen.sei)
During this greeting, each student must bow to their teachers to gain entrance into the classroom. The bow represents the respect shown to the teacher or superior. When bowing, all fingers must be straight and placed on the SIDE of your thighs.
Good Afternoon
English Pronunciation: (Kon.Ni.Chi. Wa)
*Typically used during day hours only. After 10:30 am
Nichi means "Day"
Good Evening
English Pronunciation: (Kon. Ban. Wa)
*Typically used during the evening.
"Ban" means "Evening".
Good Bye
English Pronunciation: ( Sa. Yo. Na. La) The "La" is a tongue roll.
Good Night
English Pronunciation: (O. Ya. Su. Mi. Na. Sai)
2. The Alphabet (Pt. 1)
Please refer to the attached powerpoint below.
3. The Alphabet (Pt. 2)
Please refer to the attached powerpoint below.
4. Introductions
Today's focus will be on Self Introductions and Basic Introductory Questions.
Word Bank
わたし = I
English Translation ( Wa.Ta.Shi)
あなた = You
English Translation (A. NA. TA)
なまえ= Name
English Translation (Na. Ma. E)
は = Particle. Indicates the topic of a sentence
English Translation ( Wa)
の = Particle. Shows possession.
English Translation ( No)
です = To end a sentence. (Think of it as a period)
English Translation: (De. Su) .
か = Particle. Indicating a question. Can also be used to end a sentence. ですか
English Translation (Ka)
Self- Introductions
わたし のなまえは _______です。
(Good Morning, My name is .....)
どうぞ よろしくおねがいします。
(DO. U. ZO) (Yo. Ro. Shi. Ku) (O. Ne. Gai. Shi. Masu)
(Pleased to Meet You)
What is your name?
English Translation:( ah na ta no namae wa nan desu ka )